Re-connecting through Art during the lockdown
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Re-connecting through Art during the lockdownA few months ago, our world was running at a breakneck pace, and as architects, we were struggling to keep up with it. We were running against time to meet deadlines and fighting to achieve personal and professional goals. Our mental space revolved around our design and build projects, interior and architecture projects, and our achievements measured by numbers over the essence.There was no time to connect with anyone, not even with ourselves.
Once the coronavirus pandemic hit, the silence extended outwards. It was unusual-it cut the noise in our head. Loneliness has evolved into solitude.
Despite “Social Distancing”, we are taking out time to care, listen, laugh, and live in the present, and now with perhaps a greater sense of empathy and emotion, without the social buzz around us. Art, in its various forms, has come to emerge as a medium of expression. Design itself has evolved in this period for anew normal.
Art is a meaningful and beautiful medium to express what’s happening within and outside ourselves. Empathy, of course, lies at its core. It’s a tool that is valued to find solutions in every sphere of life and is the first and most important step indesign thinking.
With a renewed sense of collective responsibility and awareness, humanity is stepping up to empathize and serve anyone in need. Senior citizens, stranded migrants, birds that have comeback to inhabit our world or animals on our streets, we have learned to be more sensitive towards those who may not have the same privileges that we are accustomed to. In a world where individuals are, creating designs for the future of cities, playing music to show encouragement, and dancing to express gratitude, empathy, as well as art, have come to bring society together.
As a part of the professional architecture fraternity, we have become cognizant of the migrant construction labourers in India, whom we had ignored in the past, and came together to help provide for them. On the other hand, we touched base with our old friends and made some virtual memories through dance and music.
Our learning’s in the course of the pandemic should be remembered, and we must stay connected with what we love doing. Pick up that painting brush, and take out those instruments, use this opportunity to reconnect with humanity and yourself.
The Spokesperson is Meena Murthy Kakkar, Design Head & partner, Envisage