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Envisage Projects

With the pandemic becoming subtle and people returning to a normal way of living one step at the time, offices and schools have reopened as well. Employees however have to make a drastic transition from homes to offices and adapt to their workspace. With a perceptive and empathetic approach towards designing offices, designers can make the return to office a comfortable transition whilst following the covid norms. 


  1. Minimum Partitions-  Only spaces that require extreme privacy can have solid partitions. Various other materials such as glass or dry wall partitions can replace solid walls. With the absence of partitions one can stay visually connected to another while maintaining the required physical distance. With a melange of glasses to choose from, the designer can obtain an adequate design solution while maintaining the ambience of the office.
  2. Ambience of the Office-  In offices, the focus now is more on lounge spaces for interaction as opposed to staid cabins with visitor chairs. Collaborative spaces creatively designed are bringing the worker back and helping them disconnect with the chaos outside. Mental comfort thus needs to be given precedence for a happy user and good productivity. 
  3. Optimising the available fenestrations– This will ensure air circulation and natural sunlight, creating healthy spaces for employers, considering they are the ones who stay long hours in the office. Adding UV filters to central AC’s keeps the air healthy. Substituting regular fans with tower fans is a healthy way of circulating air in the room without adverse effects on one’s health. Abundant use of indoor plants is a must to keep the air hale and is a visual relaxation.
  4. Indoor Plants– The use of plants in the interiors of an office or even a home makes a drastic impact. It not only keeps the air healthy but also helps keep one’s mind calm and focused. This in turn leads to productivity and positivity amongst employees. 
  5. Use of the Right Materials– Materials play a vital role in determining the ambience of a space. One can opt for subtler upholstery, softer colors and milder finishes such as veneer to make the office feel warm and welcome. Another material that is extremely reliable is cane. It has made a comeback in the industry and is not only aesthetic but also sustainable. 

The two lockdowns have given us time to reconfigure our own priorities as designers and how we need to sensitize ourselves, to both the demands and the latent needs of the occupant. It’s one of those times where reinventing is welcomed with open arms.